Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The website where I post is
Go there, and go often!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Dawning of a new age

So, I´ve got a new blog.
It´s I actually make entries in this new, improved version. Visit me & visit Often!!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Near Stranger, Now Husband


In the last entry I mentioned Neil I called him a "near stranger." So, I guess this means I need to update my blog more often. :)
Well, now that we're married we figure it's not legit without a website. Visit

Thursday, July 20, 2006

All the ty-ime

As you can see, there has been a new addition to the tradition of 24/7 awesome hair. Namely to remove it all. I think men really have the corner on a great hairdo. It's like a birka, but less hot. Only instead of people not being able to evaluate my body type or even facial features, they just can't judge my lucious locks. What with not having any.

You know what they say, the shorter the hair....


The recent release of Pirates of the Caribbean was the perfect dress-up opportunity. Nevermind that I slept through most of the first one and what I was awake for I didn't particularly enjoy. A costume opportunity is a costume opportunity, low-quality film or no!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Felices Fiestas

For Christmas break I decided to drive from Utah to the bottom of the baja peninsula with one near stranger and two complete strangers. 65 hours of driving later we were all fast friends (see photo) and it was truly a splendid trip.
Neil, Me, Jason and Steve.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Hunk o' burnin' light

This is my best friend (Tracie Bartholomew aka Hermana Bart- 3nd mission companion) and most prized posession all in the same lovely photo. I recieved this Elvis glory from Donna for my 25 birthday. Appropriate I think. He is, afterall, the King of my heart. (This picture taken pre-fraggle mullet haircut *sigh*.)